Trial Helper Program
In December 2006, the GSSCC introduced a National Trial Helper Certification program.
James Siler has been appointed by the GSSCC executive to lead the program. Assisting James are Jean-Philippe Mills, Dorwin Anderson & Jim Chrisp. They report to the GSSCC Head Judge.
The objective of the program is to:
A: Provide “standardized” education and trial helper training
B: Increase the number of trial helpers in the GSSCC
C: Promote membership involvement and participation through ongoing helper education
D: Facilitate GSSCC objectives to protect and improve the German Shepherd Dog breed as outlined in GSCCC Bylaws
All GSSCC trials MUST have GSSCC certified trial helpers.
Related documents:
Helper Program
Teaching Helper Application
Request for Helper Seminar
James Siler -
Jean-Philippe Mills -
Jim Chrisp -
Dorwin Anderson -
Helper reciprocal agreement between USCA and GSSCC
The GSSCC Board of Directors has unanimously approved the following reciprocal helper agreement between the GSSCC and the UScA.
(1) All helper's must comply with the hosting club's (USCA or GSSCC) organizational Helper regulations and policies.
(2) Helpers wishing to do helper work in a Reciprocating organization's trial must have:
A. Letter or email from the Helper Committee Chairman stating the current classification of the helper and that the helper is in good standing. This must be turned into the hosting organization's Helper Committee Chairman a minimum 14 days before the event they want to work.
B. For club level events: the helper must be classified to work front and back half of club level trials in their member organization.
A. Letter from the Helper Committee Chairman stating the current classification of the helper and that the helper is in good standing. This must be turned into the hosting organization's Helper Committee Chairman a minimum 60 days before the event (for Regional Championships) or deadline of selection submission (National Championships).
B. Helper must submit copies of their entire helper book to hosting club's organization's Helper Committee Chairman a minimum 60 days before the event (Regional Championships) or deadline of selection submission (National Championships).
C. For helpers wishing to work a Championship event, the helper must submit a video of a trial that they have worked within one year of the submission. This must be done a minimum of 60 days before the event (Regional Championships) or deadline of selection submission (National Championships). The video must be submitted to the hosting organization's Helper Committee Chairman. All helpers must meet the minimum practical requirements and ability of the hosting club's Helper Program in order to be approved to work a Championship event. USCA helpers are not required to attend a GSSCC National Helper Seminar as their certification status requires them to attend USCA sponsored seminars to maintain their national level classification.
D. All GSSCC Championships will require a Canadian helper content of "at least" 50%. Example:
- Two helpers selected - 50% = one Canadian helper minimum
- Three helpers selected - 66.7% = two Canadian helpers minimum.
All certified trial helpers must sign and return the Oath of Office to the Helper Coordinator
GSSCC Certified Helpers
Teaching Helpers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |
National Level Helpers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |
Regional Level Helpers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |
Club Level Helpers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |
Club Front Half Level Helpers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |
Entry Level Helpers
Name | GSSCC # | Region | Expiry |