
October 16, 2024 : Pilot of Dual Judges at Canadian Championships

For the 2025 Canadian IGP Championships, the Board of Directors and Judge’s Committee would like to pilot the use of a dual (two Judges) judging system for all three phases of the IGP trial.

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October 09, 2024 : WUSV Breeding Program Postponed
Today the WUSV officially announced that the WUSV-Breeding Program has been postponed and will not come into effect until 2028.
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September 21, 2024 : Special Election Results 2024

The E-vote results are in and having received the majority of votes, we are pleased to announce Jim Chrisp as the new GSSCC President.

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September 11, 2024 : Update from the WUSV
Following the WUSV-General Annual Assembly that was held this past Monday, the WUSV has announced that the SV will not be splitting from the WUSV.
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September 05, 2024 : Special Election eVote 2024

The eVote is now open for the Special Election and will close on September 20th, 2024.

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August 15, 2024 : Electronic Recording Devices

Electronic recording devices, such as GoPros, phones, etc. will not be allowed on the competitor's person while competing.

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August 12, 2024 : Special Election

Effective immediately, the remainder of the two year term of President David Grant has become available. This term will be in effect from September 2024 to August 2025.

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August 07, 2024 : David Grant - Resignation
Effective immediately

Resignation of David Grant – President
Resignation of David Grant – Judge
Resignation of David Grant – Member of GSSCC

Committee Chairs
Members of the GSSCC

I am resigning the above noted positions and the GSSCC membership.
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July 24, 2024 : 2024 Sieger Show

To dispel the rumors circulating, our 2024 Sieger Show is not cancelled, nor will it be cancelled.

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July 23, 2024 : National Trial Manager Coordinator

Effective immediately Gobei Ramendra has been appointed to the role of National Trial Manager Coordinator.

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July 17, 2024 : Annual General Meeting 2024

The GSSCC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, August 25th at 8am at the venue Softball City 2201 148 St, Surrey, BC. 

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July 03, 2024 : 2024 Election Results

For the Director positions, the E vote results are in and Dwyn Tomlinson (incumbent), Katty Santerre and Hank Bowden received the majority votes.

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May 27, 2024 : Article Indication Test

The Article Indication Test is now available at GSSCC trials. The requirements are set to three different levels STp 1-2-3 however the STP may be done in any order as it does not need to be done 1-2-3.

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April 20, 2024 : Relations between the SV and the WUSV

The national board is aware of information regarding strained relations between the SV and the WUSV being circulated through social media.

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April 13, 2024 : Judge's College

On behalf of our judge's committee, I want to thank Frans Jansen for coming and instructing at our recent judge's college.

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February 18, 2024 : 2024 Canadian German Shepherd Dog Championships & Sieger Show
In six months, the Western Region will welcome the best of the best to the 2024 Canadian German Shepherd Dog Championship and Sieger Show. Stay tuned to the website as information becomes available.
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January 29, 2024 : Membership Renewal Time

Just a reminder that you have 30 days to renew.

Juste un rappel que vous avez 30 jours pour renouveler.

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December 07, 2023 : 2024 Elections

Three positions on the GSSCC Board of Directors will become available as of August 2024. Terms will expire for Peter Haslett, Jean Chrisp, and Dwyn Tomlinson.

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October 03, 2023 : GSSCC Code of Conduct

To all GSSCC members:

This is an important reminder that we require all members to behave to an appropriate standard consistent with the GSSCC Code of Conduct.

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September 28, 2023 : WUSV Working Group

On behalf of the GSSCC, I am pleased to announce that GSSCC Breed Warden Darin Clarke has been asked and accepted a position on a newly formed WUSV working group.

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September 01, 2023 : Club Reports Due for Shepherd Sports

It's that time of year again when we remind you that club reports are due November 1, 2023 for publishing in next year's Shepherd Sports.

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July 17, 2023 : Helper College

Don't miss this incredible opportunity to work with Robbie de Jong!

Link to: Entry form

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July 14, 2023 : Message from the newly elected SV/ WUSV President

A nice message from the newly elected SV/ WUSV President – Roswitha Dannenberg.

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To: All GSSCC Clubs and Regional Boards

Please take the opportunity to read this letter and disperse it through your clubs and Regional Boards.

In order to raise Funds for the WUSV TEAM CANADA, we are hoping that you will partake in our raffle!



À : Tous les clubs et conseils régionaux du GSSCC

Veuillez profiter de l’occasion pour lire cette lettre et la diffuser dans vos clubs et conseils régionaux.

Afin d’amasser des fonds pour l’équipe WUSV CANADA, nous espérons que vous participerez à notre tirage au sort!

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June 21, 2023 : Team Canada

Just a reminder that Team Canada Letter of Intent must be received by your Regional Chairperson by July 1, 2023. 

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May 23, 2023 : DVG titles now accepted

Effective immediately, the GSSCC will accept all DVG titles for sport titles.

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May 23, 2023 : New Trial Rulebook

The new rulebook is very close to being completed. This version will be on the website and in effect by June 30.

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May 14, 2023 : 2023 Elections Results

For the Director positions, the E vote results are in and incumbents Sarah Barnes and Nancy Wong received the majority votes (official results attached).

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March 10, 2023 : Update to all Breed Surveys and the GSSCC National Sieger Show

Further to Head Judge Jim Chrisp’s message sent on February 07, 2023, informing the membership stick contact (hits) have been removed from all GSSCC IGP trials.​

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March 06, 2023 : SV Breed Surveys Abroad

Important Message Regarding SV Breed Surveys Abroad

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March 01, 2023 : 2022 Shepherd Sports

The 2022 Shepherd Sports is now available to read online in the members’ section of the website. Make sure to check your mailboxes in the coming weeks for the print version.

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February 07, 2023 : Update to IGP Trial Rules

With the trial season fast approaching, just a reminder to all organizers, competitors, and helpers that stick contact (hits) has been removed from IGP trials.

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February 06, 2023 : East Region Call for Nominations 2023

Election - The positions of Regional Chairperson and Regional Show Director

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January 31, 2023 : German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada’s first Probationary Conformation Breed Judge

Congratulations, Darin Clarke, Probation Conformation Breed Judge #1

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January 11, 2023 : 2023 Elections

Three positions on the GSSCC Board of Directors will become available as of August 2023. Terms will expire for President Darin Clarke & Directors: Nancy Wong and Sarah Barnes

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December 06, 2022 : Club Reports
It isn’t too late to get your club report into Shepherd Sports!

Whilst the official deadline has passed,

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October 03, 2022 : Hip and Elbow Evaluations

Reminder: Effective end of 2022, OFA hip and elbow evaluations will no longer be accepted for Breed Surveys.

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May 09, 2022 : Breed Survey Extension

Please be advised that the GSSCC Breed Surveys that were already 

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April 12, 2022 : GSSCC Breed Show Apprentice Judges

As we move out of the COVID-19 Pandemic it has become very clear that the GSSCC needs to accelerate

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February 15, 2022 : 2021 Shepherd Sports Annual

Sneak peek!

The first annual issue of Shepherd Sports is now online in the members’ section of the website. Watch your snail mailboxes for the

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January 10, 2022 : Membership Renewal

We are excited to announce that online renewals for individual

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January 10, 2022 : WUSV World Championship

Dear WUSV Member Clubs,

We are pleased to inform you that this year’s WUSV World Championship

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November 03, 2021 : Conflict between FCI/VDH and WUSV clubs

 The SV and the non-FCI WUSV clubs won in substance all legal proceedings in Germany. The courts stressed 

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October 06, 2021 : Team Canada 2021
Congratulations to the following teams who will represent Canada in Lerma, Spain for the WUSV World Championships IP & Universal 2021.
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September 28, 2021 : Trial Helper Certification

All certified trial helpers must sign and return the Oath of Office to the Helper Coordinator Jim Chrisp.

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July 26, 2021 : Court of Appeals rules practices of the FCI/VDH are in violation of Competition Law

Modern dog breeding requires that canine organizations are mindful toward individual consumers, committed to the essence of each individual dog breed they represent, the welfare and respect of animals,

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July 15, 2021 : Calling all Breeders! Advertising Opportunity

My friend wants a German Shepherd ...

We've all heard this question – but not everyone knows where to send them. Whether they are looking for show, sport, or companion

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July 08, 2021 : Trial Update

Based on the information from the Regions the GSSCC Board of Directors announces

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June 03, 2021 : Trial Requests

All requests for trials must be completed through GSSCC 360

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April 26, 2021 : Results GSSCC e-vote April 2021

Results GSSCC e-vote April 2021

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March 18, 2021 : Ontario 2021 Elections

Election is for the positions of Regional Trial Director and Regional Show Director in 2021.

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February 20, 2021 : WUSV World Championship (Universal) 2021

Please be informed that due to the uncertainties that the Covid 19 pandemic still entails we saw no other remedy but to postpone the

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March 08, 2021 : president's message - March 2021

As the world continues to endure COVID-19, many restrictions are still in place a year later along with many

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February 05, 2021 : 2021 Renewals
As this historic pandemic rages on, there's a very strong possibility that more events will have to be cancelled. I will update you as the Board of Directors makes these extremely important decisions regarding all events.  .... No payment will be required this year and no further action is needed from members  ....
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December 22, 2020 : Seasons Greetings 2020 from President Meßler

Seasons’ Greetings 2020

Ladies and Gentlemen

Dear WUSV Member Clubs

There is no doubt – the year 2020 was 

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October 23, 2020 : 2021 Elections

Election Forms

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October 22, 2020 : Voting Results

The following voting results are certified by Simply Voting to have been securely processed and

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September 22, 2020 : GSSCC Judges Update

On behalf of the GSSCC Judges Committee along with the GSSCC Board of Directors we would like to announce 

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September 18, 2020 : Share Your Covid Stories!

This season has been one for the history books. As Covid restrictions gradually ease (and we prepare for a possible second wave), the next issue of S

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September 11, 2020 : WUSV Clubs News

Great success for the non-FCI affiliated WUSV clubs: The Düsseldorf Court of Appeals confirmed

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June 30, 2020 : New GSSCC website

The new GSSCC website is now live!

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July 06, 2020 : New GSSCC Breed Warden and Breed Committee

Following SV standards and organization, the GSSCC has just appointed its first ever Breed Warden and Breed Committee to assist in the development of the German Shepherd Breed within the GSSCC.

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June 19, 2020 : COVID 19 Plan for Safe Trials

Purpose: Create healthy and safe trial environment during COVID restrictions.

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April 01, 2020 : COVID-19

During these historic times, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of everyone in the World. The GSSCC continues to monitor government updates on restrictions and have made a number of important decisions ONLY in effect for this year.

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February 14, 2020 : SV Judges Ban - Update

Affected clubs of the WUSV have secured an important legal success in litigation against the VDH (the representative for Germany in the FCI).

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October 09, 2019 : WUSV AGM Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of the 2019 WUSV General Annual Assembly

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October 01, 2019 : Helper Reciprocal Agreement Between USCA and GSSCC.

The GSSCC Board of Directors has unanimously approved the following reciprocal helper agreement between the GSSCC and the UScA.

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April 04, 2019 : Recognized Titles

The GSSCC recognizes titles from all WUSV countries/organizations and also FCI judges from WUSV/SV affiliate countries.

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November 03, 2017 : SV Breed Surveys

Important information from the SV regarding SV Breed Surveys and dogs being sent to Germany for training and titling.

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September 27, 2017 : Insurance Questions

To GSSCC members. The GSSCC Board of Directors asked our insurance provider  BLF Canada four questions in writing (in black). The four questions were answered from BLF Canada exactly as typed below (in red):

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