Go-Card / DNA Kit
The SV DNA program tests to confirm parentage - sire and dam - ONLY.
There are 2 options.
The DNA can be Stored (On File) only or the DNA can be Tested
To have the dog's DNA Stored (On File), neither the sire or dam needs to have Tested or Stored DNA in the SV database (SV-DOxS).
To have the dog's DNA Tested, both the sire and dam must have their DNA stored in the SV database (SV-DOxS) as either Tested or Stored
The dog’s original registration and pedigree must be mailed to the GSSCC A-Stamp office along with the DNA kit as the original registration and pedigree will be sent to the SV to be stamped with the DNA information.
Please send only the card with the samples on it, not the sampling device.
Payment is not required at this time, but will be at the time of sending the form and sample back for storage or testing.
A vet will be required to take the sample. Any vet can do this.
You will receive
- a form to be completed
- the sampling device
- a card to place the sample on
When ready, mail the completed form, the sample card, and the dog`s original registration and pedigree to:
Attention Cathie Pierson
695 Eagleview Pl
Campbell River BC
V9W 0B2
Pay for the Go-Card to the GSSCC by sending an e transfer to gssccxr2020sv@gmail.com
With the Go-Card and the dog`s name in the notes box. Be sure to check the box on the form to indicate if you want the DNA stored or tested.
Storage only – is $40
Testing is $160
Testing can be done on stored data at a later date $180