Shepherd Sports Magazine


Shepherd Sports
 is the official voice of the German Shepherd Schutzhund Club of Canada. This annual magazine aims to showcase the power/excellence of Canadian working dogs at all levels of competition from across the country, be a source of information for canine health and fitness, highlight an individual or a group of people in various roles of the sport (helpers, handlers, judges, clubs, etc.) as well as keep the membership informed on various events for the sport at large.

All active GSSCC members will receive one physical copy each year (mailed to the address on file) and will also have early access through the members' section of our website. New editions are released annually on March 1st.

Print copies are available for purchase by non-GSSCC members as well as members who would like additional copies. For price, contact the Shepherd Sports editor at


To book advertising space, please email the editor by no later than October 15.  Ad submission should be received by November 15. Refer to the rate card (updated yearly) and found within the back inside cover of the magazine for requirements and specifications.  

Find below the price list for advertising with us. Note: GSSCC members receive 50% off the listed prices.

Full Page 1/8" bleed or Full Page floating - $230
Half Page Horizontal or Vertical - $125
Quarter Page - $80
Business Card - $50

Articles & Submission Dates: 

Do you have an idea for a featured article or what direction the magazine should take? Or maybe you are interested in writing an article.  All queries can be directed to:

Shepherd Sports Editor
Alexandra Lazarevski