West Region

Chairperson: Ken Trouton        Ktrouton@hotmail.com
Secretary/Treasurer: Tara Lumb  604-617-1667  willowacres@telus.net
Trial director: Gabi Hoffmann        gchoffmann@shaw.ca
Show director: Karen Sinclair    604-783-6191    karensinclair6191@gmail.com


West Region Clubs

Delta Schutzhund Club

Website: www.deltaschutzhundclub.com
Location: Langley , BC
Contact Person: Karen Sinclair
Email: karensinclair6191@gmail.com
Phone: 604-783-6191

Evolution K9 Club

Mill Bay, BC


Contact Person: Lisa Macgillivray (250) 668-2436

Email: evolutionk9club@gmail.com


Visitors are welcome however please email in advance

K9 Utility Cranbrook Working Dog Club

Website: www.k9utility.com
Location: Fort Steele, BC
Contact Person: Ewa Gorka
Email: ewagorka@hotmail.com

Lower Mainland German Shepherd Dog Club


Website: www.lmgsdc.net
Location: Surrey, BC
Contact Person: Brenda Brozic
Email: lmgsdclub@gmail.com


S Coordinates:    49° 4' 2.46'' N    122° 48' 24.444'' W

19461 36th Ave
Surrey, BC , V3Z 1A4

Training days / hours:
Tuesday/Thursday nights and Sundays

Special Instructions:
Visitors are welcome however please email in advance

Northern K9 Working Dog Club

Website: www.facebook.com/NK9WDC
Location: Prince George , BC
Contact Person: Gail Stevenson
Email: NorthernK9WDC@gmail.com

Training days / hours:
Contact us for training days and times.

Special Instructions:

Pacific Schutzhund Dogsport Club

Website: www.pacificschutzhund.ca
Location: Duncan , BC
Contact Person: Darryl Haringsma
Email: darryl_h@shaw.ca
Phone: 250-710-1017

River City Schutzhund Club

Location: Campbell River , BC
Contact Person: Cathie Pierson
Email: cathiepierson@gmail.com
Phone: 250-465-8532

Training days / hours:
Tuesday / Thursdays / Sundays

Special Instructions:
Training locations change call for info, Visitors welcome

West Coast German Shepherd Schutzhund Club

Website: www.WCGSSC.com
Location: Surrey , BC
Contact Person: Jane Holowaty
Email: janeh@telus.net

Special Instructions:
Visits by appt only

Western Rescue Schutzhund Club

Website: www.westernrescueschutzhundclub.com
Location: Aldergrove , BC
Contact Person: Tracy Bullinger
Email: bullingershepherds@shaw.ca
Phone: 604-856-8536

GPS Coordinates:    49° 1' 25.773'' N    122° 30' 47.9262'' W

25655 12th Avenue
Aldergrove, BC , V4W 2J7

Yukon Schutzhund Association

Website: www.facebook.com/yukonysa/
Location: Whitehorse , YT
Contact Person: Laura Priestley
Email: Yukon.Schutzhund@gmail.com
Phone: 867-668-6118

GPS Coordinates:    60° 46' 49.728'' N    135° 8' 20.616'' W

32 Maple Place
Whitehorse , YT , Y1A 4A8

Training days / hours:
Please call or email for times and locations.